Essays and Excerpts
"Suspect Primes" - this excerpt comes from Chapter 8 of Nobody's Fool and describes the appeal of and problems with scientific claims about subtle primes and their potent effects on our behavior.
The excerpt comes from Chapter 1 of Nobody's Fool and explains how the possibility grid can help us better evaluate what were missing to help being deceived by others (or by ourselves).
The excerpt comes from Chapter 6 of Nobody's Fool and explains how familiarity, especially familiar names, can influence our decisions.
A set of short audio recordings in which Dan describes 5 key insights from Nobody's Fool. The link also includes summaries of each insight and a brief introduction from the Next Big Idea crew.
This excerpt comes from chapter 1 of Nobody's Fool and shows how we can come to the wrong conclusions when we consider only the immediately available information.
Our cover essay for the Review Section of the Wall Street Journal was an adaptation from Nobody's Fool.